Monday, 16 October 2017

The modern tool, testing, security approaches for mobile app development

It’s hard to conclude a mobile app development successfully unless you choose the right set of tools, testing methods and security implementation.  But how will you do this? This blog will discuss how you can choose the best of the tools, testing approaches and security implementations to make your mobile app development triumphant. Let’s begin.

Factors to consider while using mobile development tools

Choosing a right set of tools to build mobile app is really a critical decision. There are tons of tools & technologies available in the market; each one has their advantages and disadvantages. But certain factors like usability, cost investment, lifecycle-management, security and requirements of efforts to integrate them, will help you choose the best tools. You can compare new tools – for these factors – with your existing tools and available budget. Deciding on the most important factors will help you invest in the right tool set.

Humidity as an application testing condition

Testing is another most important operation to achieve success in a mobile app development project. Typically, the factors you pay attention on include network and locations changes, low power, and apps’ background run. Apteligent recently reported that app testing can be broadened to include weather conditions of users, particularly humidity level that users-behavior creates. Apteligent reports “due to the science behind the propagation of radio waves. Increases in water vapor cause attenuation of the waves, especially at high-frequency bands.”

But how do weather and humidity connect apps?  It connects by meaning that the app will run an average of 15% slower in the summer, especially in climates that are typically humid. Here developers need to look at new methods of testing apps to avoid slowness caused by that supposed humidity.

Use biometrics for mobile app security

When providing consumer level security, a new approach to be considered is biometrics. Of course it isn’t a new technology but using biometrics security features like iris scanner, facial recognition and fingerprint scanner in mobile devices is relatively new. These are the best consumer level security features. If there is need of securing an app, these features can really be handier and appealing to users.

We develop mobile apps for all platforms including iOS, Android, Windows in India & USA. We also develop cross-platform apps on PhoneGap. Visit us: