Monday 4 July 2016

Ways to hire an offshore developer for outsourcing Android app Project!

There has been a tremendous increase in the android application development because of the popularity of the Android platform. It is believed that hiring an offshore developer will cut cost and to some extent, it’s true too. But when it comes to hiring an offshore developer, the first thing that comes to our mind is communication and the differences in mentality. And we all know that remote management is a challenging step. But despite this fact, offshore application development proves to be rewarding for outsourcing an app project. It helps in bringing the cost down to the bottom. There are various offshore companies out there that are trying to attract clients by offering development services at minimum fees but at the same time, many companies are charging more than enough. 
So which Android app development company is best for you? Well, before choosing an offshore company to outsource the development, the key points to be kept in mind are as follows:

1)    LEARN:Before hiring any offshore developer, it is good to learn about the concept of outsourcing and the ongoing market trends and after this, you better set your strategic goals.
2)    IDENTIFY: It is a must to identify an offshore company by looking into the list of its clients, contacts, references, etc. This will help you discover the level of work the company has delivered so far.
3)    SEEK INFORMATION:Try to search for the information of the company like its experience, market presence, standards, certifications, etc. It’s a way to establish the authenticity of the company.
4)    EVALUATE: After getting all the information about the company, evaluate that information critically. Ask them how they treat the clients who continually ask for adding new requirements.
5)    LOOK FOR THE FEES:Ask for the fees they charge for the development of an application.
6)    CHECK REFERENCES:It is better to cross check the references that have been provided. It’s good to talk with their previous clients they have worked for.
7)    COMMUNICATION: Ask them whom would you talk in case of issue. It will help you in getting a better understanding of their work environment.
8)    TRY PILOT:This will help you in knowing about the partner competence in terms of communication, stability, management etc. It will help you in seeing the seriousness of the offshore partner.
9)    SCALE-UP:Once everything is verified, it’s good to take the application development to the next level and gain all the benefits of outsourcing to full.

By selecting offshore outsourcing, you would get your work done by the specialist at amazingly low cost.


  1. This is good advice for those who like to work alone, but use the help of someone in outsourcing. I often work with them and I have no problems with deadlines and quality of the finished product.
